It's time to explore, dream, discover, and you've come to the right place. Our personal time is so valuable, and planning a vacation is extremely time-consuming, but as your travel advisor, my job is to simplify the process and to work with you to create extraordinary, bespoke itineraries. Whether your dream trip is exploring exotic and distant lands like Burma or Bhutan, taking in art, food and culture in Europe, going on safari in Africa, or just lying on a powder-white stretch of sand, I can customize every element to make each trip one of a lifetime. I listen to my clients’ wishes and dreams and then make them a reality.
Luxury travel does not always mean staying in 5-Star hotels, but it does mean accessibility and the knowledge that someone is looking out for your best interests before, during and after your trip. I will ensure you stay in the best hotels and resorts that suit your tastes and provide accessibility to exclusive, authentic, extraordinary experiences. As a member of a luxury travel consortium called Virtuoso, I can provide you with access to these experiences, to exclusive deals and to an extensive network of the very best the travel industry has to offer.
As a specialist in leisure travel, adventure and exotic travel, and family travel, and with my professional network around the world, you are limited only by your own imagination. Travel brings us great wealth in the form of knowledge, awareness, appreciation, and joy. So, I encourage you to get out your atlas, start dreaming, and let me chart your next adventure!
Independent affiliate of Travel Experts, A Virtuoso Agency